sexta-feira, 31 de maio de 2019

Facing bullying

A challenging article on bullying was published in New York Times, by Estelle Erasmus. She “wrote about an approach to dealing with bullying that worked for her daughter. The very short version of the idea, promoted by the school psychologist and author Izzy Kalman, is to deny the person teasing you the satisfaction of seeing that you’re upset.”
My fictional comment about the article was approved and released by NYT on May, 31th. An improved version and the original text are shown below.

New York Times
Nice article. We had read it together — I mean, my wife, I myself and the daughters (our darling triplets). Delighted, of course! The matter is so complex that we have to study it hard. Each one of our babies reacted in a very distinct way. Additionally, in any circumstance, the punishment should be distinct — it depends of the behavior profile of each one. Nonetheless, thank you for the motivation and stimulus for thinking and acting correctly as well, if possible.


[Published on the New York Times online on May 31, 2019] 

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